Describes a simple web app built using GCP that stores data in Firestore and images in GCS (Google Cloud Storage). Detailed code samples for these processes are provided for easy reference/copying. We also show how to dockerize the app and deploy it using GCP Cloud Run to run it at a fraction of the cost of GCP App Engine.
A cool site to generate "favicon.ico" files for your website.
This article describes the process of building the website using the gatsby-starter-blog as a way to replace my previous site built on WordPress.
My first attempt to build a simple wiki-like website made use of MDWiki. This is a brilliant way to drop one HTML file into a project containing markdown files and instantly be able to view all of those files as HTML with a site that is ready to be deployed to the web.
Ever since I began playing guitar, I've been collecting guitar tabs (simple, pre-formatted text files that show how to play songs). I've always wanted a simple way to build a website from these tabs and make them available online. I found a tool called Metalsmith that made that fairly easy. This page documents how that site was created.